20 Things to Keep Doing at Work

You are hired a while ago, and your position is secured. Good!

This, yet, does not mean that you can stop doing what made you able to reach the level you have been at. Instead, there is a number of things you have to keep doing, if you wish to keep your current level, or, at least, if you would like not to lag behind. Here are twenty tips (please suggest more in comments):

  1. Asking questions,
  2. Asking for more training,
  3. Learning more skills outside work,
  4. Asking for help (even if it is small),
  5. Offering a hand to colleagues,
  6. focusing completely at work, once you are in,
  7. Being autonomous,
  8. Thinking of the “next position”,
  9. Linking your priorities to your boss’s,
  10. Self-criticism,
  11. Saying “no” to what you cannot do,
  12. Considering your job as a serious challenge,
  13. Being professional as much as possible,
  14. Taking breaks,
  15. Making sure your work conditions are good,
  16. Asking your boss about your priorities,
  17. Keeping your personal life outside the office door,
  18. Thinking of a better job,
  19. Looking at your job from your boss’s angle,
  20. Learning as much as possible about the sector.

Some tips may be more important to others. While they are not that serious for some. This is due to the experience of each one, and also because of the conditions & circumstances of every job and every sector.