
Several job seekers who send a big number of resumes via email and deliver another number of job applications, but once they do not get a response for a long time, they just stop checking their email accounts. Some of them create a new account and stop checking the old one on a regular basis, or they forget about it.

Others even change their phone numbers, or stop using the one devoted to work, because they use more than one number.

What is recommended is to check the email account every night, at least. This will guarantee not losing the job opportunities coming your way. It will also help you make sure if you are still free on the following day in case you are planning to travel or to stay away from your computer all the day long. Except if you are good at using your mobile phone to answer such emails.

Yet, answering recruiters immediately is not preferable, because you might receive another email after one hour or two, and you realize that you have already set up an interview with another company. You need to always take time to plan your day.