
It may look off topic, but it is true. This section should be part of every section of this website.

This is because practicing sport enables you to:

Look energetic
Feel enthusiastic,
Be strong,
Maintain a good posture,
Appear ready for challenges,
Control body language,
Provides you with enough energy to work.

  • Look energetic
  • Feel enthusiastic,
  • Be strong,
  • Maintain a good posture,
  • Appear ready for challenges,
  • Control body language,

Provides you with enough energy to work.

Interviewees, who are still young and, do not practice sport send negative signs about themselves that they:

  • Lack self-confidence,
  • Are unable to defend the company interests,
  • Cannot learn much,
  • Are carrying a serious illness,
  • Are unable to support the stress of work,

Employers always look for strong people who are patient and are ready for challenges. It is by practicing a sport that you can learn how to keep a high level of competitiveness and make the difference.

Thus, I invite you to make sure you put in your resume Soccer, Handball or any sport played in a team. This will give about you a good idea that you are a team person and that you have a high sense of competitively and perseverance.

Other than that like:

  • Looking tired (check Mr. Tired),
  • Looking pale or sick,
  • Speaking in a weak  and non energetic voice,
  • Leaning to a side.

Will not serve you that much no matter how much knowledge you have. From now on, sport has to be present in your daily schedule.