When it comes to pictures used on CVs, candidates get confused whether to put one or not. In fact, it is not compulsory. Yet, some jobs really give importance to look such as:
- Models,
- Security guards(sometimes with their dogs),
- Models,
- Fitness coaches,
- Cabin crews.
If you feel that you need to put it, please make sure that it:
- Is like the one on your ID or passport,
- Clear enough,
- Shows your face (for models or flight attendants, HR require a picture of the whole posture.),
- Shows a light smile,
- Be YOUR OWN picture… Yes! I did receive a CV with a picture not of the candidate… maybe she copied/pasted a CV but forgot to change the picture.
On the other hand, it should not:
- Be in black and white
- Too dark,
- Very shiny,
- Have been taken while you are frowning, wearing sunglasses or hidden behind a big beard,
- Be very old.
In your picture, you need to be wearing some professional clothes, a suit and a tie are always better than a t-shirt.
As per girls, they need to be more careful when it comes to make up and hair. The flock of the hair should not hide the face. If you like to color your hair, it is better to avoid adding a picture with red hair, and when you go to the interview, your hair is blue. The same thing can be said regarding make up. Too much of it might show a lack of professionalism. When you put too much of it to the extent of looking different from the face they see on the interview day, it will not be good at all.
Some ladies wear a scarf all the time. The pictures they add to their resumes show that they wear one. On the interview day, they put nothing on their hair; or vice versa. And one of the most bizarre resumes I have ever seen in my life was one of a lady, who put two pictures on hers; one with a scarf and the other without it.
If you are not respecting the above, please try not to put the picture. Since most people are visual, a picture of you creates an image and the first impression about you. You need to make that image work for you…