Several companies, namely the more organized ones, choose to create their own system when it comes to selecting their future talents. They create their own database. Thus, you have to sign it and create a profile in their website.
They connect their own database using specific keywords, which might not be the same as you know, to make their selections more easily.
When you are creating your resume in one of these websites, you have to make sure you are doing it right. Here, my best advice to you is to copy and paste from your Word resume.
The same method should be applied, when you create your resume on the websites of job agencies and other online recruitment websites like
The employers may use all those websites, and therefore can check your resume in more than one of them. Your information have to be the same, because they use sophisticated software which may not qualify your resume due to changes from one website to another.
Woda to życie. To nie tylko fraza, ale absolutna prawda. Bez dostępu do czystej i zdrowej wody, nie jesteśmy w stanie żyć. Niestety, żyjemy w czasach, gdzie woda jest zagrożona, zanieczyszczenia są pomijane, a zmiany klimatyczne pod znakiem zapytania, dlatego tak ważne jest, abyśmy wszyscy mieli odpowiedzialność za jej ochronę.